Monday, September 29, 2008

Apparently Deer LOVE Starburst!!

We went for a Saturday afternoon drive. We headed up to the grove area because we always see deer up there and the kids love it. This particular day we saw two pretty nice size bucks so Wade stopped and did this little whistle and low and behold both the Bucks came bounding over to the Posh mini van:) We had nothing in the van but Starburst so I unwrapped one and yep one of the bucks took it right out of his hand and ate it. So apparently they love Starburst. (It really is a shame that they are like pets. It was cool for the kids but it is really is sad)!

This is the first buck that came to Wade's window
This was the other one that came to the kids window!
At one point, the buck stuck his head in the window

and Elsie started screaming scared to death. At that point I said

lets get out of here. That too close for comfort!!

These are the bucks as we drive back by.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Yes, I am well and yes I am alive and I have survived, I have survived!! What have I survived I am not quite sure but it has been a crazy, crazy, yet exceptionally fun summer so I survived that. I also survive each and everyday with four kids, a husband, a dog, a cat, and a newly found pet salamander so I consider that to also be an accomplishment. So yes I have survived. I have so much to blog about and pictures to show and yada yada. But I have made an executive decision to start from here and now and to begin blogging once again. Maybe I will go back through the summer and post about random things we did but for now, I thought I would just let you all know that I am alive. For your viewing pleasure, I have posted some darling pictures of my little ones on their first day of school. For your info, Porter is in 3rd grade, Crayton is in Kindergarten, and Rexton started preschool and Elsie is just my little cutie patootie!!
