Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lil' Trooper

Craytons view almost 98% of the time while at the hospital + a few visitors!
The joy of the playstation!
Painful? The expression says it all! ) (right after they took out the staples)
Crayton after surgery playing the Play station and feeling quite well due to some nice drugs!
Crayton and I taking pictures of ourselves!
Rexton helping himself to Oreo's and Milk and visiting Crayton!

Poor little Crayton had to have his appendix out on Monday afternoon, and I must say he was quite the trooper. It all started 3:00 a.m Sunday morning. He came and got me up and said he was sick in his throat. So I got him a drink and went to tuck him back in bed. Well when I got down stairs, Porter was in the bathroom puking. Then Crayton said I'm sick too and then he puked. So here I am with two little sick throwing up boys. I took them both up stairs and made them a bed on the floor with bowls for each. Porter instantly fell asleep and awoke refreshed and ready to go for the day. Crayton on the other hand continued to throw up every 20- 30 minutes until 12:00 noon. He kept telling us his belly hurt really bad but that is to be expected when you have been puking your guts out. But we were a little concerned because Porter was just fine so we thought maybe they had eaten something bad. Later in the evening, Crayton ate some chicken noodle soup and crakers and didn't throw up again. So we thought he was on the mend. Monday morning, he woke up still sick, still having a bad belly ache and it had moved lower into his stomach. Wade kept saying he thought he might have appendicitis but I being the positive one was like oh he's fine, he will be feeling better soon but by noon I knew that was not the case and called Wade. We then had Dr. Melling check him out and of course he totally agreed with Wade and so Wade had some blood work done and that came back sky high so Crayton went straight into surgery. They barley got inside in time. His appendix was oozing infection and all pussy and ready to burst. The surgery went fine and all was well. I am so glad that I have my dear husband to help take care of our kids. He was able to give Crayton his I.V and carry him back into the O.R. and stay with him through the surgery. Crayton was a tough little guy and we were amazed at how tough he was for being so sick. He stayed one night in the hospital and played the play station the entire time and got fun get well gifts so he was pretty happy. Now that we are home it is all I can do do keep him down and taking it easy. He is doing well and feeling a lot better. We thank everyone for all their help and for the the care and concern. Thank You! (I may have mispelled some words and the spell checker isn't working!)


jen said...

Poor guy! I had my appendix out when I was young, not that young, but it sucks. I'm glad everything went well.

Candi said...

What a tough kid! So sorry! That must have been scary. I'm glad all is well now.

Sally said...

So glad that he is doing well! Your kids are adorable and I can't wait to see you next week!

Jack & Ashley Waters said...

Poor little guy! We're glad he's doing well. Hope to see you guys soon!

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

Oh my gosh, that is scary! I am glad you got him to the hospital in time! He is such a cute kid and now he has some manly battle scars! Awesome!

Jeannie said...

that is no good.. glad he is doing better...

Julie and Kyle said...

you look way hot in that picture. you probably took it like 10 times just to make sure that you looked good. didnt you? i know you did.... (thats what i do). why does rex look like he's 20? glad he's feeling better. see you soon lady.

Julie and Kyle said...

glad crayton is feeling better... not rex. (that came out wrong)

Ashlee said...

Poor Crayton! I'm glad that he is doing well now.

Leo and Jill said...

What a tough kid!!! That is pretty tramatic for a little dude!!

Bradshaw Clan said...

I couldn't believe it when Jason told me what happened. I wish you would have let Porter stay later, it was the least we could have done. I'm glad he's feeling better. It's a good thing he hangs out with Port and Klell so he's learned how to be tough:)!!!!

Shemri and Gang said...

So sad, so sad! But what a cool story to tell his friends when he gets older. Everytime I see a picture of you with your four kids I crack up laughing. It seems like yesterday we were hanging out in Willowbrook with Rand and Wade. You are definetly the hottest mom in Beaver though! When are you guys coming for a visit? Glad Crayton is ok!


Wow - that's good everything turned out okay - maybe you should listen to Wade more often because everyone else does!!

Leslie said...

poor little guy. i am glad he is doing well now.
thank you for continuing to share your thoughts, your love, and your concern on my blog. i wish i could meet all of the people who have blessed my life with just their simple acts of kindness... even just little notes.
thank you.

Kris and BJ said...

That is so sad! I wish we lived closer to you guys. I hope he is doing better.